Helen Brancatisano
Visual Artist
2015 "Voices from an Island" 6 of 10 etchings on BFK Rives 20x15cm (image) The Industrial School for Girls established on Cockatoo Island in 1871 was plagued with mismanagement and cruelty. The girls were housed in the original convict gaol. Docked off the island was the ‘Vernon’, a large ship housing the Industrial School for Boys. These etchings focus on the voices of the girls as they called out defiantly and dreamt of ways of fleeing the island or reaching the Vernon and the boys.
Etching Winner Hunter's Hill Art Prize Small Works Section 2016
2015 "Voices from an Island" 6 of 10 etchings on BFK Rives 20x15cm (image) The Industrial School for Girls established on Cockatoo Island in 1871 was plagued with mismanagement and cruelty. The girls were housed in the original convict gaol. Docked off the island was the ‘Vernon’, a large ship housing the Industrial School for Boys. These etchings focus on the voices of the girls as they called out defiantly and dreamt of ways of fleeing the island or reaching the Vernon and the boys.